Borough of Sussex

Settled in 1742

Bill Payment Information

Sussex Borough tax bills and water/sewer bills may be made in person at Boro Hall, by mail, or online.


Water/Sewer Payment Due Dates:

February 1 - 1st Quarter payment
May 1 - 2nd Quarter payment
August 1 - 3rd Quarter payment
November 1 - 4th Quarter payment

Make a Payment

Payment can be made in person (cash, check, or money order) or mail (no cash in mail) to
Sussex Borough Tax/Utility Collections, 2 Main St. Sussex
or paid electronically via WIPP at
Note: To pay by ACH or E-check there is a $1.95 convenience fee. To pay by debit card or credit card, it is approximately 2.95% of the total bill.

Pay Water/Sewer Bill Online


Due Dates for Taxes

First Quarter Taxes are due on February 01
Second Quarter Taxes are due on May 01
Third Quarter Taxes are due on August 01
Fourth Quarter Taxes are due on November 01

There is a ten-day grace period. If payment is not received within the first ten days of the due date, interest is due from the first day, at the rate of 8% per annum on the first $1500, and 18% per annum on any amount over $1500.


Taxes can be paid by mail. Make check payable to Sussex Borough and mail to Sussex Borough, 2 Main St, Sussex NJ 07461, Attn: Tax Collector. Please enclose your payment stub. Your canceled check will be your receipt. If you would like a receipt other than the canceled check, please enclose your entire bill along with a self-addressed stamped envelope.

Taxes can be paid in person at the Boro Hall. If you want a receipt, please bring your entire bill. If you are paying by cash, please bring the exact amount. The office is open Monday through Friday from 9 AM. to 3 PM.

Taxes may be paid electronically at
Note: There is a fee for the e-payment option.

Pay Taxes Online

Copyright 2025-21 Sussex Borough | Custom website design by JPerlee Design