Borough of Sussex

Settled in 1742

Finance Office

The Finance Office is located in the Boro Hall at 2 Main Street.

Office Hours

Monday through Friday from 9 AM to 3 PM
Closed for holidays and emergencies.

Contact Info

Phone: 973-875-4831
Fax: 973-875-6261


Michel Marceau
Phone: 973-875-4831 ext. 107

Deputy Treasurer

Jaime Boffa
Phone: 973-875-4831 ext. 103

Duties of the Finance Office

The Finance Department is responsible for all financial activities of the Borough. It maintains a system of accounts for all departments, and controls the receipts and disbursements run through these departments.

The Finance Department is responsible for helping to develop and maintain the Sussex Borough budget according to State guidelines, and to administer the Borough’s debt service program.

The Finance office administers the financial affairs of the Borough, including purchasing, general accounting, budget preparation, salary and benefits administration, investments, preparation of bond issues as well as the accounting of all Borough capital projects. The CFO/Treasurer is the custodian of all funds and responsible for the safety and investment of all of the Borough’s investments.


Forms can be found on the Forms and Applications page.

Financial Statement

Financial Statements, Budgets, Audits, Debt Statements can be found on the Financial Statements page.

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